Thursday, August 18, 2011

Catch up, catch up, everybody catch up!

So its catch up time.

I'm still at Walmart, and loving it. It might be slow, but its not all that bad. And also it'll be busy season soon and soon I'll be like OH MY GOSH I WISH IT WAS SLOW. LOL! I'm also temporarily back at the kennel helping out my old manager. Its nice to be able to see my babies again.

My birthday was fun, really low key but fun. I ended up working at another studio just going to dinner with JC and my parents and going to his place and watching a movie. No drinking. However I can now.

I had my endoscopic ultrasound. It came back okay, I have to have my gall bladder out but nothing to serious seeing it could have been a lot worse. I"m allowed to have one or two drinks but that's it. Still stuck on the bland diet crap but whatever. Soon enough Aaron, soon enough!

Um I had a bunch more to say but I forget...

SO yeah.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Busy, busy, busy!

I have been busy, busy, busy!!! Like its been nuts!!!

For those of you who don't know I quit the tanning salon. Thank goodness, there was way to much drama for me mama! And again for those who don't know I'm back at the land of Walmart in the portrait studio, training and what not. So yeah LOL!

I also have a wedding next Saturday, I'm going to be my good friend Tawnya's photographer at her wedding on the 23rd and I am so excited I've never done one but I think I'll do pretty good :) I'm nervous but excited so we shall see how they turn out. Oh and keep an eye out for them on my facebook photography page

Oh and I'm also super excited that my birthday is in 2 WEEKS!!! YES! Finally 21, no drinking but there will be plenty of time for that later :) But I am going to Kennywood with Josh we're going the day before my birthday and than I'm going to try and plan something for my actual birthday that night but I'm not sure what yet just no guardrails LOL! Than the weekend after that either Pittsburgh or Ohio but either way say HELLO bars XD and than after that nothing...which will be good three busy Saturday's in a row and I'm going to be pooped!

But till next time

Peace out cub scouts!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So yeah, my doctor's office called today about the endoscopic ultrasound ya know to set the date and everything and they weren't able to set it until mid August AFTER my birthday, and AFTER my Ohio trip! Let's just say it sucks big time, because my doctor told me NO fried greasy food like on my bland diet and no drinking until I have it. I think I literally might go NUTS!!! I want some grease darn it!!! ARGH! I mean August REALLY!!! I was hoping so bad they'd have an opening in July. I want some McDonald's, and some Burger King, and some Wendy's, and some Chik-Fil-A, and some KFC, and some pizza, and a big old doughboy! Oh my gosh I'm gonna go nuts! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So now I'm trying to think of something fun to do for my 21st, and don't get me wrong I know drinking isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread it just changes the plans for my birthday. I'd love to go to the beach for my birthday but who knows maybe I'll go to an amusement park. I don't know, all I know is I'm going to make this birthday fun somehow, someway! Does anybody have any ideas for things for me to do on my birthday? If so shoot em my way :)

Well I'm pretty sure that's the end of my rant.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


So I'm not sure if any of you remember but I didn't a project for Mt Nittany Veterinary Hospital for there new brochure. finally came out! And here is the photos used!

There is a lot more if you want to see the rest look up, Aaron Marks Photography on Facebook and look at the Mt Nittany Veterinary Hospital album.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stuck in the house

So yeah, I'm stuck in the house these days. But I guess its better than where I was, being stuck in the hospital for nine days was not fun. :( I just wish I could have some fried food :( Oh my gosh I want Burger King and Pizza so badly! Its insane...I never knew I could want it so bad. What's really sad is I get excited to go to Walmart not that I can really spend a lot of time there, a short trip to Walmart and I'm pooped. I'm actually to the point that I sorta miss going to work, okay maybe just a little LOL

I still haven't scheduled classes yet for Devry a FA problem came up but its getting fixed and than it'll be on, luckily its just faxing something over. The really good news is I only have to take one math class and one English class heck yeah XD 

Looks like nothing to exciting this summer is happening, ha ha well not like last year! Skinny dipping, late nights, amusement parks, cops ha ha actually I could do without being pulled over this year, and without popping a tire seeing the tires just got replaced...AGAIN. But this time not from ME! The only exciting thing going on is I get to see Shelly my old roommate which makes me super excited cause I miss her tons!!! I'm trying to make plans for my 21st birthday but I don't know yet. Right now it all depends on if I can drink or not and than I guess go from there. All I know is that there will be NO crying this year, from a boy or from hitting a guard rail or any other reason. Only tears that will be coming is tears of joy :)

I think that's everything as of right now. There will probably be another blog soon as again I'm stuck in this house, so till than PEACE!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


So yeah, wow I haven't blogged in FOREVER! Lots has happened since I last posted.

Where to start? .

Devry is still on, I start classes on July 5th. I'm scheduling my classes on Monday or Tuesday and I'm excited and nervous all at once. I don't even know why cause you know its online! Whatever.

Josh finally moved in and things are going great,  we're hoping to take a mini trip next weekend :)

Oh, I got my license XD, saving up for a car now, and an apartment with Josh but that's a bit further a way.

Crap i had a ton to post and I can hardly remember now!

So I guess peace <3

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Devry is a go

I've been accepted to Devry University online classes. My major is going to be Business Administration with a specialization in management/small business ownership. I'm actually pretty excited for it. It feels like a step in the right direction.

Nothing photography wise is going on, its been so icky and when its not nasty out, I"m at work I'm currently on day 5 of 7.

And speaking of work its actually not that bad I'm pretty tired but again not to bad. Heck I can't really complain I'm making lots of money and I'm pretty much really happy there. I'm currently in the process of getting my tanning certification while the test are boring I do see it actually making an improvement around the store. I don't know about some of the stuff we're doing but hey whatever floats the owners boats. I'm not going to argue. The aspect of tanning is actually starting to fascinate me like the business side of it, maybe some day I can open my own salon. Ha ha maybe not though...

I think that pretty much covers everything going on lately. So I'm gonna go relax. Till next time peace out.